Houston, We Have a Problem

I have a broody hen who is creating some drama at Shepherd’s Gate. The trouble maker is a beautiful Golden Laced Cochin. Normally, she is a sweet hen who gets along with all the chickens, but right now – things are not quite right. She is “broody”. Her hormones are ruling her behavior and she is determined to hatch her eggs.

This girl is not allowing any of the other hens near her nest, which is in the chicken house, which, conveniently, is where I collect all the eggs. Except for right now. Now I have to go on a daily egg hunt to find the eggs the other chickens are laying because one chicken won’t let them near the nest boxes. Ugh.

I look in the hay feeders, in the duck house, on the ground and in the food bowls for eggs. So here is the second problem (besides that egg hunts before coffee are not my favorite thing), Jethro (our Livestock Guardian Dog) is a Master Egg Hunter! He is always faster than me. He has an unfair advantage with that nose of his! Jethro is giving up his kibble for milk and eggs each morning. This is a smart dog.

One change in the routine, one new element in the situation, one small chicken doing things differently – is throwing everything off.

The order of our priorities is important – as the focus of our heart will guide the decisions that we make and the paths that we follow. Matthew (6:33) tells us to seek God’s kingdom FIRST (before anything else: before your spouse, your children, your job, your Facebook, your email, your ego…). When we put God first, the rest will fall into place.

Putting God first: seeing His love, knowing His will and feeling His presence in our lives is what Love Notes devotionals are all about. It is a challenge to prioritize God’s way when we have so many people, opinions, events, competing for our time and attention. So – we do it together. We encourage one another and lift each other up. We don’t need to run around looking for “lost eggs”. We need to sit quietly at the feet of Jesus, first.

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. You will make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:8, 11