Empty Spaces

It is a cool, damp November day. Drizzle falls like misty kisses on my cheeks and in my hair. It’s not the prettiest of Autumn days, but I am still thankful for the start of another morning in His sweet presence; another opportunity to see His work and experience His grace. Good morning Lord!

The feed bins in the tack room were overflowing with grain and seed and kibble this morning – all the bins, except one. We went through the meal worms faster than planned. The delivery of the duck’s favored crunchy breakfast treats was on it’s way, but the arrival time was unknown – so I started farm chores without the ducks’ food. I filled hay feeders, bowls and troughs. I sprinkled extra cracked corn and sunflower seeds on the ground, but the ducks were not happy. Poppy honked her impatience while the flock gathered expectantly around the water bucket.

The duck quacks and honks, chirps and whistles were insistent so I dropped a handful of dog kibble into the water. Poppy and the rest of the ducks happily scooped up the meal worm substitute. When the kibble was gone and bellies were full, they left the water bucket to preen and take a morning nap.

The “kibble” is dog food, formulated for a different species than a duck. It is not the best substitute for the duck food – but it was the best I had on hand (until the worm delivery). I was surprised at how the dog food was received and how the substitute-snack satiated the ducks. They were happy to fill their bellies with what I offered.

I have believed in God as long as I can remember. No one had to teach me that God is real, I think I just knew. Knowing He is real and knowing Him personally are very different. God is our creator and we are His child, His workmanship, His masterpiece… His beloved. We are mind, body, soul and spirit. It is our spirit that cries out to His. It is our spirit that yearns to know our place in His family – to belong to Him. I see so many people, like my ducks, accept substitutes for what we need the most, God’s presence in our lives.

Maybe we want another person, a pastor, a friend, a spouse, or a child to fill our hearts and spiritual “bellies”. Maybe it is food or a substance or a habit that we seek to ease the emptiness. Maybe we fill our empty spiritual self with our own pride and ego – a feisty independent attitude, that ultimately, leaves us lonely and confused.

Every one of us needs to fill that God-created, God-shaped space in our spirit. Open your spirit with an invitation like this: “Holy Spirit come. I invite You in! Fill me with the love and peace that only You can give. I pray against any substitute. I submit my spirit to Yours, come fill this space and draw me near.”

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out ‘Abba, Father’.” Galatians 4:6 (NLT)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 (NIV)

HE Doesn’t Miss A Thing!

God is in the details – always. He weaves our experience-threads together until our lives are stunning tapestries that reflect His love, glory and grace. He has a design in mind. Our faithful obedience is what allows an intimately sophisticated pattern to be completed according to His plan. Our own, stubborn, independent human nature will mess with His perfect plan as we grab for threads that don’t fit our God-given design. How many lessons do I need before I relax and trust in His perfect plan for me? I imagine His smile even as I type these words, “as many as it takes, my beloved.”

Two weeks before my Book Launch Reception for my second book, “Lessons from Shepherd’s Gate Farm”, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to write a check for a local ministry project. I didn’t hesitate, I wrote the check for the amount that I believed He was asking; $1,000. I don’t know what your finances look like, but for me, at this time, He may as well have asked me for a million dollars – because I don’t have it. I cannot fulfill that obligation, not even part of it. I prayed as I wrote, “This is on YOU, God. If I am hearing You clearly, then You will cover this check.”

The morning of my event, I received several apologetic text messages from friends who planned come but now could not attend. I turned off my phone. The kind texts just felt like rejections and raised my anxiety in the moment. I was going into this event without any idea of how many people would come, 10, 20, 30? How many people would buy my book and how God was going to provide what I believed He was asking of me? Threads. Threads of life in the Master Weaver’s hands…

The book launch was a beautiful event. Family, friends and friends of friends gathered around hot apple cider and fresh baked cookies on a cool, sunny fall day. The sounds of conversation and laughter echoed in the old barn. Children ran and played in the pasture with the goats. The farm was busy and my heart was full. I delivered my message and soaked in the kind words offered by readers and friends. I signed books and chatted on all afternoon. When it was all over and the receipts were added, God did exactly what He said He would. He covered that check. I was able to offer the check to the ministry with a humble heart and great joy.

And He wasn’t finished. The check was written two weeks before the event based on a prompt I felt from the Holy Spirit. The book launch was on a Sunday afternoon. The check was covered by Sunday evening. On Monday morning, I sat down to read my own devotional (I have been partnering with my daughter and completing “Lessons” with her daily). The page waiting for me was “Rhythm of Obedience” (p. 66); a story that teaches how “obedience is a beautiful, generous act of mutual love.”

I (We) created that entry (“Rhythm of Obedience”) over a year ago; a year before an event that tested my faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit prompts. Like a thread of pure gold, He wove a brilliant, personal story together – for His Glory! He wrapped up the moment with the gentle reminder that He indeed has a plan and purpose for each of us. Faithful obedience comes from trusting the Weaver, even when we are not able to see the finished design. Follow His Word, seek His Will and embrace His intricate design created just for you.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.” Psalm 28:7 (ESV)

What’s NEW?

I have been editing Love Notes since Christmas. The manuscript for the next book from Shepherd’s Gate Farm is ready for review!

If the reviewer gives the green light, the next book, “Lessons from Shepherd’s Gate Farm” will go to the first editor.

I will share more information when I have received my review.

Thank you SO much for your interest in what God is doing with “Love Notes”!

Fruit in Season

Yesterday afternoon I shared a few pieces of watermelon with my goats. Oh how they love watermelon! After a sniff or two, they took enormous bites of the sweet, pink fruit and feasted until the juices ran down their beards and splashed on their toes! Fresh fruit in season is such a treat! Sharing the delicious treat with my besties on a beautiful, early Fall day was pure JOY.

We know about the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Gal.5:22). We believe that “fruit of light is good and noble and true” (Eph 5:9). We stay committed to God and His word so that we can BE the fruit and share the love of God through His fruit. There are so many insightful scriptures about fruitfulness that bring joy and encouragement to our hearts. 

There are seasons we are called to produce fruit and to harvest – and there are seasons we are called to rest quietly in the presence of the Gardener. We can’t avoid, deny or work our way through difficulties AND maintain a healthy connection to God and his purposes for us. Read that last sentence again, please.

You are familiar with the “disease to please” (the trap of people-pleasing). How about the “addiction to achieve”? Are you familiar with the “compulsion to compete”? These conditions are epidemic in our culture and they leave us feeling overwhelmed and burdened to produce, achieve, compete and complete in order to keep up with the expectations that OTHERS have for us. And it’s killing our spirit and rotting our fruit.

We need to know the expectations, dreams and plans that God has for us – not what others want from us. Sharing wisdom from author and speaker Lisa Bevere: “God speaks to us through dreams and visions, not through Facebook and Twitter.”  Amen and Thank you Lisa!

Some seasons bring challenges, disappointments, frustration and sadness. We may not be asked to bear fruit during these seasons. Maybe these seasons are a time to soak in the Word and His beautiful Spirit so that we can refocus our ministries and re-examine our priorities.

Are you with me? The fruit of the Spirit is “joy, peace, patience, self-control, gentleness….”  We want to please the Lord – but our human nature also wants to please people, so we are tangled in the web of performance. We yield to the expectations of others instead of or before we seek His Face and direction. We end up burdened and overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations.

We really, truly cannot do it ALL. We cannot be everything to everyone. If we are listening to God’s voice, then we know HE asks us to bear fruit “in season” – which means there are seasons of rest and quiet, and times to restore and renew. Our value in not based on our fruit, or what we produce. His love for us is not determined by anything we do or accomplish. His greatest desire is that we know Him well…because then we get the rest of it “right”. 

“That person is like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:3

Three “E’s”

Rosie’s chicks are 9 weeks old and nearly as big as she is. They are strong, healthy and thriving. Rosie is a good mama. The chicks are capable of surviving on their own at this point, but because they are bantams and so much smaller than the other chickens, I have not released them into the pasture yet.

The “babies” have shiny black feathers, the beginnings of their beautiful rose combs and those spectacular white ear lobes. The bigger the birds get, the less room they have in their pen. I thought Rosie might enjoy a “walk about”, some time out of her pen to stretch her wings and peck at some new ground.

I took Rosie out of the pen and started toward the pasture. I didn’t get very far. Rosie flew out of my arms and straight back to the pen. She didn’t go in because the door was closed. She stayed at the perimeter, grabbing a few mouthfuls of fresh grass and scratching in the dirt for something more juicy. The chicks were anxiously chirping and squawking in unison for their mom. They did not like this at all.

I opened the door for Rosie and in she went. No hesitation. And as soon as she was inside, the noisy protests stopped. All was well again.

No hesitation. She has conviction of her calling. Rosie doesn’t need external motivation or affirmation. She is 100% committed. This girl isn’t giving up, sneaking out, or quitting early. She isn’t finished with this task yet. When the time is right, the birds will separate with confidence and move into the next season, independent and sure – and Rosie will know the peace of a job well done (“well done, good and faithful mama”). 

God’s timing is perfect. We can count on His wisdom and His vision for us. We can be at peace with His timing – or we can be frustrated, impatient and impulsive. When He “calls” us: He Equips our vision; He Encourages our spirit and He Establishes our pace.

EQUIPS: If we are following God’s plan, He gives us everything we need, body and soul, to complete the task. (Heb. 13:21)

ENCOURAGES: He keeps us motivated, focused and encouraged through His Word, His Spirit and people He puts in our path. (Isaiah 40:31)

ESTABLISHES PACE: Whether we are crawling, walking, running or leaping, we can be secure that our steps precisely match His intended pace. (Ecc. 8:5)

Rosie understands it perfectly. Lord, give me patience and grace today so that I am not worrying, quitting or rushing. Let me lean on the “E’s” (ease) of your calling, trusting that you will perfectly Equip, sweetly Encourage, and firmly Establish my pace – so that I may finish well. Thank you God.

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:6) 




No Mysteries

It’s been raining since March. I waited all Spring for the rain to stop. Then I waited all Summer for the rain to stop. It is Fall now. And it is still raining. It may be time to build the ark. I have a very uneasy feeling about what this Winter will bring. I’m scoping the classified ads for used snowmobiles, snowshoes and cross country skis.

Goats hate getting wet. They won’t cross streams, play in puddles or splash in the rain. Goats, you should know, are made of sugar so they melt in the rain (so I have been told). You might imagine my surprise when I saw Molly grazing in the middle of the pasture during (another) downpour today. In our 6 years with goats, I have never seen one stand in the rain.

I had to go check on her. From a distance, it looked like she was just out grazing – but I can’t imagine why she would be out in this weather. So, I grabbed a beach towel, pulled on my muck boots, donned my raincoat and husband’s floppy marine hat – to trudge out in this 57-degree soggy mess to check on my girl. Because this is what you do when you have animals made of sugar.

I greeted a very wet but perfectly content Molly in the field. She followed me back to the Run-In where I toweled her dry the best I could. I have no idea why she ventured into the pasture in the rain when neither she nor any of the other goats have done that before. Perhaps she was sulking after a disagreement with her mom; Maybe she had a fight with her sister or was being teased by a cousin. Or maybe she was just sick and tired of being cooped up in the small shelter for days on end during this ridiculously wet season. I really don’t know. 

Isn’t it amazing to think that our God never “doesn’t know”. Our God is ever-knowing, ever-present and ever-powerful. He knows every thought in our head, every desire of our heart, every reason for our tears and every cause for our celebrations. He is everything good and everything lovely. He is the beginning and the end of everything. He is AMAZING!

Some days I think it’s good just to be in AWE of Him. I am so thankful that our God knows, loves and values us the way that He does. I am so thankful that He never worries or wonders or guesses about what we need or what is best for us. He is worthy of our worship and praise. The “God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty and the awesome God” (Deut. 10:17) loves you and He loves me. That is almost too much to comprehend. So today, let’s just worship Him. Be in AWE of Him.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” (Hebrews 12:28)