HE Doesn’t Miss A Thing!

God is in the details – always. He weaves our experience-threads together until our lives are stunning tapestries that reflect His love, glory and grace. He has a design in mind. Our faithful obedience is what allows an intimately sophisticated pattern to be completed according to His plan. Our own, stubborn, independent human nature will mess with His perfect plan as we grab for threads that don’t fit our God-given design. How many lessons do I need before I relax and trust in His perfect plan for me? I imagine His smile even as I type these words, “as many as it takes, my beloved.”

Two weeks before my Book Launch Reception for my second book, “Lessons from Shepherd’s Gate Farm”, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to write a check for a local ministry project. I didn’t hesitate, I wrote the check for the amount that I believed He was asking; $1,000. I don’t know what your finances look like, but for me, at this time, He may as well have asked me for a million dollars – because I don’t have it. I cannot fulfill that obligation, not even part of it. I prayed as I wrote, “This is on YOU, God. If I am hearing You clearly, then You will cover this check.”

The morning of my event, I received several apologetic text messages from friends who planned come but now could not attend. I turned off my phone. The kind texts just felt like rejections and raised my anxiety in the moment. I was going into this event without any idea of how many people would come, 10, 20, 30? How many people would buy my book and how God was going to provide what I believed He was asking of me? Threads. Threads of life in the Master Weaver’s hands…

The book launch was a beautiful event. Family, friends and friends of friends gathered around hot apple cider and fresh baked cookies on a cool, sunny fall day. The sounds of conversation and laughter echoed in the old barn. Children ran and played in the pasture with the goats. The farm was busy and my heart was full. I delivered my message and soaked in the kind words offered by readers and friends. I signed books and chatted on all afternoon. When it was all over and the receipts were added, God did exactly what He said He would. He covered that check. I was able to offer the check to the ministry with a humble heart and great joy.

And He wasn’t finished. The check was written two weeks before the event based on a prompt I felt from the Holy Spirit. The book launch was on a Sunday afternoon. The check was covered by Sunday evening. On Monday morning, I sat down to read my own devotional (I have been partnering with my daughter and completing “Lessons” with her daily). The page waiting for me was “Rhythm of Obedience” (p. 66); a story that teaches how “obedience is a beautiful, generous act of mutual love.”

I (We) created that entry (“Rhythm of Obedience”) over a year ago; a year before an event that tested my faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit prompts. Like a thread of pure gold, He wove a brilliant, personal story together – for His Glory! He wrapped up the moment with the gentle reminder that He indeed has a plan and purpose for each of us. Faithful obedience comes from trusting the Weaver, even when we are not able to see the finished design. Follow His Word, seek His Will and embrace His intricate design created just for you.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.” Psalm 28:7 (ESV)