Empty Spaces

It is a cool, damp November day. Drizzle falls like misty kisses on my cheeks and in my hair. It’s not the prettiest of Autumn days, but I am still thankful for the start of another morning in His sweet presence; another opportunity to see His work and experience His grace. Good morning Lord!

The feed bins in the tack room were overflowing with grain and seed and kibble this morning – all the bins, except one. We went through the meal worms faster than planned. The delivery of the duck’s favored crunchy breakfast treats was on it’s way, but the arrival time was unknown – so I started farm chores without the ducks’ food. I filled hay feeders, bowls and troughs. I sprinkled extra cracked corn and sunflower seeds on the ground, but the ducks were not happy. Poppy honked her impatience while the flock gathered expectantly around the water bucket.

The duck quacks and honks, chirps and whistles were insistent so I dropped a handful of dog kibble into the water. Poppy and the rest of the ducks happily scooped up the meal worm substitute. When the kibble was gone and bellies were full, they left the water bucket to preen and take a morning nap.

The “kibble” is dog food, formulated for a different species than a duck. It is not the best substitute for the duck food – but it was the best I had on hand (until the worm delivery). I was surprised at how the dog food was received and how the substitute-snack satiated the ducks. They were happy to fill their bellies with what I offered.

I have believed in God as long as I can remember. No one had to teach me that God is real, I think I just knew. Knowing He is real and knowing Him personally are very different. God is our creator and we are His child, His workmanship, His masterpiece… His beloved. We are mind, body, soul and spirit. It is our spirit that cries out to His. It is our spirit that yearns to know our place in His family – to belong to Him. I see so many people, like my ducks, accept substitutes for what we need the most, God’s presence in our lives.

Maybe we want another person, a pastor, a friend, a spouse, or a child to fill our hearts and spiritual “bellies”. Maybe it is food or a substance or a habit that we seek to ease the emptiness. Maybe we fill our empty spiritual self with our own pride and ego – a feisty independent attitude, that ultimately, leaves us lonely and confused.

Every one of us needs to fill that God-created, God-shaped space in our spirit. Open your spirit with an invitation like this: “Holy Spirit come. I invite You in! Fill me with the love and peace that only You can give. I pray against any substitute. I submit my spirit to Yours, come fill this space and draw me near.”

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out ‘Abba, Father’.” Galatians 4:6 (NLT)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 (NIV)