Three “E’s”

Rosie’s chicks are 9 weeks old and nearly as big as she is. They are strong, healthy and thriving. Rosie is a good mama. The chicks are capable of surviving on their own at this point, but because they are bantams and so much smaller than the other chickens, I have not released them into the pasture yet.

The “babies” have shiny black feathers, the beginnings of their beautiful rose combs and those spectacular white ear lobes. The bigger the birds get, the less room they have in their pen. I thought Rosie might enjoy a “walk about”, some time out of her pen to stretch her wings and peck at some new ground.

I took Rosie out of the pen and started toward the pasture. I didn’t get very far. Rosie flew out of my arms and straight back to the pen. She didn’t go in because the door was closed. She stayed at the perimeter, grabbing a few mouthfuls of fresh grass and scratching in the dirt for something more juicy. The chicks were anxiously chirping and squawking in unison for their mom. They did not like this at all.

I opened the door for Rosie and in she went. No hesitation. And as soon as she was inside, the noisy protests stopped. All was well again.

No hesitation. She has conviction of her calling. Rosie doesn’t need external motivation or affirmation. She is 100% committed. This girl isn’t giving up, sneaking out, or quitting early. She isn’t finished with this task yet. When the time is right, the birds will separate with confidence and move into the next season, independent and sure – and Rosie will know the peace of a job well done (“well done, good and faithful mama”). 

God’s timing is perfect. We can count on His wisdom and His vision for us. We can be at peace with His timing – or we can be frustrated, impatient and impulsive. When He “calls” us: He Equips our vision; He Encourages our spirit and He Establishes our pace.

EQUIPS: If we are following God’s plan, He gives us everything we need, body and soul, to complete the task. (Heb. 13:21)

ENCOURAGES: He keeps us motivated, focused and encouraged through His Word, His Spirit and people He puts in our path. (Isaiah 40:31)

ESTABLISHES PACE: Whether we are crawling, walking, running or leaping, we can be secure that our steps precisely match His intended pace. (Ecc. 8:5)

Rosie understands it perfectly. Lord, give me patience and grace today so that I am not worrying, quitting or rushing. Let me lean on the “E’s” (ease) of your calling, trusting that you will perfectly Equip, sweetly Encourage, and firmly Establish my pace – so that I may finish well. Thank you God.

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:6)