More Than Enough

When I feed Jethro and the goats in the morning, I also toss extra feed out on the ground for the chickens and ducks. My birds get an extra handful of their favorites each morning. THIS morning, Poppy wasn’t in the mood to share. She postured and chased and hissed at the chickens to keep them away from the food. And while she was busy with the chickens, Alpha, Bravo and Charlie gobbled up the treats.There was more than enough for everyone, but Poppy was so busy trying to protect “hers”, that she never got any.

Poppy’s behavior was based on her attitude of a limited supply. She doesn’t understand that I never let my feed containers get “empty”. I restock and refill feed bins so that I am days ahead of ever being out of feed. She protected the extra handful of treats as though there wouldn’t be any more. 

God gives us more than enough. His supply of love, grace, wisdom, comfort, hope…is limitless. There is no “empty” in God’s supply for us. We can never use up His patience, His guidance, His presence or His mercy. He is always available and always good. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. AND – everything He gives to us is meant to be shared with others. Working with His Spirit, we multiply the supply!

He expects us to give away what he pours into us. That’s how His Kingdom plan works. God’s gifts are given to be shared. There isn’t a limited supply – and the tighter our grip on what we think is “ours”, the less we will have in the end. Is there something in your death grip today – something you are afraid to lose or share or give up? Look at it again. Ask the Holy Spirit for heaven’s perspective. Are you holding on so tightly that you miss out on the opportunity to share it with others, as God intends? 

OR, are you comparing what you have with what someone else has and burying your gift because you think it’s not good enough? (Social media is destructive to our spirits and ministries in this way! Guard your heart from the lies that paralyze.) Someone, who God loves deeply, is missing out on His blessing when you hold your gift too tightly, when you stuff it, protect it, and make it unavailable. Your gifts, talents, passions, abilities are exactly what God intends you to share with others. And it is exactly, perfectly, good enough – because He says so!

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need you will abound in every good work.” (2 Cor. 9:8) Yes, really!!!