

The goats have memories. The remember me. They remember their ranking in the herd. They remember meal time and friendly visitors. They remember and learn from their past mistakes. They remember that bees stings, duck water tastes terrible, toads are harmless and the dog does not like to be jumped on. They alter their behavior based on their experiences. They use their past experiences to make better decisions in their present. They don’t wallow in their poor choices or bad behaviors; they apply the learning and keep moving forward.

I’ve made more mistakes in my life than I like to admit. There was a time when I allowed shame and guilt over those mistakes to dictate my direction and even my identity. I’ve learned through the decades however, that giving those negative emotions the throne in my life, not only steals MY joy – it steals God’s joy. Our Lord grieves when His creation is silenced and paralyzed. This is how the enemy wins his battles. He can’t win our soul, but he can undermine our potential and sabotage our ministries by destroying our confidence and rendering us ineffective for Christ.

What God is showing me today, is how He has been with me, directing my steps all along, to bring me to this stage of readiness, for this present call. I can look back on so many life experiences over 5 decades – even from my childhood and even some horrendous missteps along the way, that slowly but surely equipped me for meaningful, effective service in His name today. Thank you Lord that you never leave us or abandon us (Heb 13:5) as we stumble through this life, growing stronger, deeper, bolder with every step we take toward you – with our eyes ever on the prize!

“Looking back” can INHIBIT you and squash your dreams – OR or it can INSPIRE you as you rocket forward with courage and resolve. Be brave dear friend (Joshua 1:9). God is equipping you to do something wonderful for him. It’s all for His glory, always – always and forever. 

“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasure of living with you forever.” Psalm 16:11 (NLT)


The swollen ground yields to my weight as I walk to the pasture. I sink into the earth with each step and I hear the squish of moisture released from the dirt – like water from a sponge. The grass is tall because we have not been able to keep up with mowing between the rains. Mildew and mushrooms grow over the weeds. Mold clings like Rorschach inkblots on the wooden walls of the shelters. When it isn’t raining, the humidity is still 70 – 90%. Even my bleach spray just can’t keep up. We are saturated.

The soft, wet, earth brings and the worms to the surface. Bugs of all sorts have multiplied in this water-logged condition. The ducks have enjoyed a smorgasbord of grand proportions. Even Poppy is completely satiated. She isn’t interested in our worm hunts because her belly is already full. I call for her and she just sits, her belly too full for even one more bite. How I miss her eager anticipation to meet me for our hunting adventures together. 

Saturated. Soaked. Sopping. Full. Stuffed. Satiated.

The non-stop demands, pressures and distractions of our daily routines are not much different than the incessant rains at the farm. The phones in our pockets and the notifications from our i-watches buzz and beep with the rhythm of “look here”. The constant bombardment of social media images, work and personal expectations beat on our time and attention like a hard rain. We are SO FULL of the swirling distractions and in our competitive environments that there is little room left in our spirit for our God. 

That’s not a good place for a Christ-follower to be. There is too much available in our modern age to balance it all. It’s not about aligning the fulcrum on the teeter-totter anymore so that you can “have it all” – because the “all” is overwhelming, overweight, over-rated and over done. It’s time to let go and it’s time to prioritize. If you want a thriving, healthy, spiritual life – an authentic, vibrant, loving relationship with our LORD, then it’s time to “minimize” and “prioritize”. Ask the Spirit to help you to identify and unload some of the “little g” gods that are taking up your precious and limited time.

He wants our attention. This is what he asks for consistently in the OT and NT. He is a jealous God who wants our focus on Him. He wants us seeking him first and always BECAUSE He loves us that much. He wants to guide our steps, He wants to be with us while we plan our day, our lives, our time.

I am imagining Him right now crossing things off my To-Do list and giving me the eyebrow for trying to add, “just one more thing”!  Thank you Lord for keeping me straight!

“You must not have any god but me.” Exodus 20:3 (NLT)

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,and He will give you everything you need .” Matt. 6:33 (NLT)


Road Closed

The river is flooded and the are creeks overflowing their banks. The road leading up to my house has been closed for days because of the flooding. I KNOW it is closed, but out of habit, I still leave my home and drive toward the river – only to have to stop and turn around when I see the “Road Closed” sign. Nothing like a big ol’ sign blocking my path to make sure I get the message!

God may close roads and block paths that He doesn’t want us to follow. Sometimes we receive an obvious “sign” where options are removed and we are left with limited or no choices – and sometimes the Spirit is more subtle – tugging at our heart or whispering in our ear, leaving us to discern between good and best – or better and worse.

What is my purpose in life? What is God calling me to do with my time, talent and resources? Those are the biggest questions of all. Those are the kinds of questions for which we beg God to provide a “sign” – or a GPS heading us in the best direction. And we are impatient for answers. We have deadlines after all, we can’t just sit on this job offer for a week or this investment opportunity for a night…

The Spirit has been consistently leading me to seek the face of God. He is making it clear to me that I need to look for Him and expect to find Him. He reminds me that His ways are perfect and His agenda has not changed: He wants me to love Him and to love people. We can fulfill those God-given purposes any where that we live, any place that we work, with any time that we have, and in any season of life. The big neon “sign” from God says, “LOVE ME and LOVE OTHERS”. 

All the other questions fade away as we are seeking and serving Him. God usually makes things pretty clear. We are the ones who make it confusing. Part of the problem is that there are too many other road signs in our way – and we are reading them all. Stop. Turn around. Read HIS sign, and start again. 

“I instruct you in the ways of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” Proverbs 4:11-13



All In, Out and Up!

Oh this rain! I know that I am supposed to be thankful for everything but if I am honest, I am am very extra tired of the rain. I do not recall a rainier summer season – ever. We are moving into Fall now with the same marvelous abundance of precipitation that we have experienced the past several months – and now there is a monster hurricane aiming for the South East coast that is sure to bring all of our summer storms to their knees by comparison. 

Since much of my farm work and daily chores have to be done outside, the weather is part of my day. Caring for the animals, cleaning out gutters and digging swales to divert the deluge has to be done in the rain, because of the rain, or regardless of the rain. 

Our God is All-Mighty. He is All-Powerful and He can stop the storms (Matt. 8:23-27) with a single command. Yet, more often than not, He allows them. So we face storms and challenges of all sizes. The persistent, annoying drizzle or the category 5 hurricane – leave fingerprints on our hearts and souls and character as God holds us securely through it all.  

He uses obstacles and difficulties and even heart breaking situations to remind us that HE is our source of Hope, Comfort and Grace. Each and every challenge is another opportunity to lean on Him, to build our trust and deepen our faith. When we fix our eyes on Him instead of the problem and instead of the pain, His Spirit overwhelms us with peace and understanding that He is all that we need. He is our ALL.

ALL. “You, Lord, are all I have, and you give me all I need; my future is in your hands.” (Psalm 16:5, GNT)

IN. In the storm: He is there. When the winds are whipping at our faith and the rain threatens to wash away our foundation, we can stand firm in our God who promises to carry us through. And when we are too broken to stand, we can collapse in His arms knowing that He grieves for our own grieving heart. “The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18) “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” (Nahum 1:7)

OUT. There is always something good that comes out of the storm. Don’t waste the pain, don’t linger in the hurt. Ask God to show you His goodness and grace as He meets you in – and then pulls you out of the pit. Look for the good, and you will find it. Carry compassion out of the catastrophe. Take truth and tenderness out of the turmoil. “You are good and what you do is good; teach me your decrees.” (Psalm 119:68) “The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” (Psalm 145:9)

UP: The goal is always His glory. We honor Him when we come out of the storms with hearts and hands pointing “up”. Whether in thanksgiving for His protection, or in acceptance for an answered prayer that was His will, but not our desire – we give Him praise. It is His glory that shines for generations as a testimony to His power, perfection and love. “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.” (Psalm 24:7-8)

Praying for you today. May you find peace and encouragement in His presence.  

Staying Close

My Runner Ducks generally move together. They hunt together and bathe together and rest together. They travel in a line (all my ducks in a row), unless they are chasing butterflies or crickets!

They stick together until I come into the pasture. When I open the gate and step inside, I have Poppy’s attention. She quacks loudly and it’s not really a simple “hello” kind of tone, it’s more like a “Yahooo!” Poppy breaks off from her group of friends and comes to meet me. I’m the “food lady”. the “worm hunter”, the “treat giver” – and she doesn’t want to miss out.

Poppy stands and waits her turn while I fill food bowls in the morning. She will quack a few times if I’m moving too slowly, but she doesn’t leave her post. Poppy gets the first meal and the best treats because she is at my feet. The other girls eventually waddle over and pick up the leftovers.

Is anyone else thinking of Mary and Martha yet? That’s the story that God brought to my mind while I served Poppy her breakfast. This story is so well known and yet, it only takes up 4 verses in the gospel of Luke (Luke 10:38-42).

I re-read it after morning chores. Poor Martha gets judged by the whole world for not putting Jesus first, our best choice. We are all “Martha” at some point. We all get busy and distracted and overwhelmed. But look at what Martha did when she was feeling stressed – she went straight to Jesus. “Lord, don’t you care?!” (vs. 40). In her cry for help, Martha reveals her honesty, her vulnerability and for her tender and close relationship with Jesus.

Mary had her priorities right and was sitting at the feet of Jesus. But Martha got it right too. When she was upset, she took her problems to Jesus, who put quickly pointed out what the real problem was.

I often wondered how Martha received Jesus’s words because it felt like a “scolding” to me when I heard it as a child. But this is the Martha of the family of Mary, Martha and Lazarus; a family who was dearly loved and often with Jesus. So I imagine that Martha accepted the words and the message with love and was not only able to incorporate that teaching into her life, but THANKFUL for it.

So just one more thing that I noticed about this story: Martha cried out to Jesus to make the situation “fair” – but she did not get the answer that she wanted. His answer may have disappointed Martha at first – but was OH SO important to the bigger picture of developing our faith – and not just for Martha, but for the billions of believers who have read the story since.

Lord, thank you for your Word, that teaches and guides us daily, even thousands of years after the events were recorded. Thank you for knowing that we would still need those words and your perfect perspective in order to grow closer to you – and closer to who you want us to be!

“Seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt. 6:33

Praise in All Seasons

It is early September and another hot, humid morning. I am watching my beautiful “Runners” dunk and play with exuberance during their morning bath. Runner ducks do not take long swims in a pond or float down a river…but they DO enjoy a good splash party around a fresh tub of water! I watch them take turns hopping into the tub and then out again to flap their wings and preen their feathers.

Runner Ducks have eyes on the sides of their heads so when they want to look up or down, they have to tilt their heads. This posture makes it look as though they are asking a question. What would they ask me: “Do you want to play? Do you have any snacks?  Why do your “feathers” change every single day?!” I don’t know what a duck thinks…but I still love to imagine!

I imagine/see that my ducks are praising the Lord while they are splashing and playing around the tub. “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150) They are just so happy to BE. They live in moments of joy and express it honestly and with thanksgiving, as God intended. They do it every day. Every season. No matter what.

If my ducks express joy no matter the season or situation (now I am imagining my duck tilting her head), “Why shouldn’t I?” It’s so automatic to praise in response to an answered prayer or something exciting or worth celebrating. Praise and glory and honor to the One from whom all blessings flow!

But can we do the same when the seasons change and we are not celebrating? Can we still praise Him when we are disappointed, confused, hurting and in pain?

If our praise depends on our circumstances, then our faith is situational. I don’t want situational faith. I want real, deep, comforting, solid faith. I want faith that depends on the goodness of my God, not the goodness of my situation.

The only way I know how to experience praise through pain is to keep my eyes on the cross, literally. Jesus took ALL our pain so that we could live. Then I will live for Him, no matter what.

I do not for one moment want to minimize how badly it feels to suffer and grieve. But I do want to help you move forward through it. He wants more for you. You won’t stay “stuck” and in pain when you look for His love and grace and mercy and hope. It is there. Always.

Grab hold of Him and give Him praise! When you can honor and praise Him through your struggles, your praise is a sacrifice to Him. It is a discipline that He recognizes and rewards by strengthening your faith. You will find peace in a faith that gets you through, no matter what.

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” Heb. 13:15

“I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.” Psalm 34:1





Look at Me

It was a busy morning. One of the barn cats was sitting on a fence post when I let the dogs our into the yard. The cat was watching the dogs. The dogs were watching my husband out in the pasture. The goats were watching the tractor make passes in the field. The ducks were watching the ground in their hunt for wiggly treats. The chickens were watching the ducks (hoping for leftovers). The goat kids were watching each other hop and play.

Everyone was watching someone. We do that too. We are watchers. We are influenced by what we see. If you took an inventory of what and who you were watching today, what would it look like?  Are you surrounded by positive, uplifting influences or are you struggling in a toxic environment – or are you somewhere in between? 

Here is an idea, something to try… Look again. This time, see what you imagine God sees. God sees everything through a filter of love and grace. Can you see people and situations through His eyes? Can you see that imperfect coworker as a lost soul? Can you see that immodest outfit as a cry for attention? Can you see someone’s materialism as an imperfect search for meaning and value?

I see God’s heart breaking for the lost and confused souls that can’t find purpose and security in their lives. I see a community of walking wounded who need love and time and attention. I see opportunity to show His grace and goodness and gentleness. He puts people and opportunity in our path so that we can bring His love to others. 

Greta, my (handicapped) Flemish Giant rabbit is interrupting me while I write. She is on a dog bed near my feet but she wiggles off and tries to drag herself to me. I got up from my chair to re-position her multiple times, but she is not content. So I finally just move myself and my lap top to the floor. Greta snuggles in against my leg and starts grooming (licking) me. Now she is happy, and I can finish my note. She finished it for me really. 

Every living thing wants attention, love, gentleness, security. God has all of that in abundance. We share HIM and we invite people to know HIM, by sharing His attributes. See what He sees and don’t ignore the opportunities that are interrupting you at this very moment!

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as our does for you.” 1 Thess. 3:12


Cooperative Play

The kids are 5 months old already! As they grow and develop, we upgrade their housing area. The babies graduated from the kidding pen where they were born, to a Pack&Play in our house, to the garage pen, to the kid pen in the backyard, and to the big girl pen inside the main pasture. 

Currently, Allie, Meg, Lacey and Grace, spend their days free ranging in the pasture with the adult does, and nights in a separate shelter. The next step is full access to the adult pasture and shelter day and night. I am careful not to move them until they are ready.

I observe the interactions among the kids and adults in the pasture. What I see now is “parallel play”. The kids graze and play alongside the adults but they don’t interact. In fact, the adults will keep them at a distance with some firm pushing and gentle head butting if the kids get too close. So for now, the kids are watching and learning from a distance. 

I will release the kids into the main pasture full time when I observe the development from parallel to “cooperative play”.  When the goats interact, play, teach and establish boundaries so they exist as one community – then I will know that everyone will have free access to food, water and shelter.

Physical, social, spiritual maturation is a slow process. It’s not something that happens overnight or in a “ah-ha” moment. Growing in Christ requires commitment over a life time of trials, challenges and celebrations. As we remain faithful and rooted in Him, we can trust that God will bring us exactly what we need when we need it – and when we are ready to handle it

When we are in the parallel play level of spiritual development, we are learning and gleaning as much as possible from Him, His word, and the Godly people in our circles. We are watching and applying truths. We practice faithfulness by being obedient.

As we commit to living for Him, we move closer to His heart – and the parallel play matures to cooperative play. Our focus isn’t on ourselves as we seek His face. We hear and recognize His voice. Our prayers “to Him” become beautiful dialogues “with Him”.  His light shines on the paths He wants us to explore and He walks with us along the way.

What a beautiful place to be: in His presence, in unity with His spirit, in His will and sure of His calling! How are you doing? Are you ready for the “upgrade” – to move into a new level of your relationship with Him? I’m praying for you today!

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparable great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:17-19.




Fearless Leader

5:00 am – that’s what time Jethro started barking.

When Jethro sees or hears a threat to his herd, he barks – otherwise, he is a very quiet dog. Jethro sounds the alarm and the goats break into formation…ears up, tails up, hackles up, snorts and hoof stomps indicate they are alert and ready. Jethro’s confident, threatening bark is usually intimidating enough to scare off the potential predator or problem. But it is 5:05 am… and he is still barking.

There is a pink hue on the horizon, the sun trying to wake up through the cover of night and clouds. I stumble into the dark, into the pasture and into an enormous hair ball. Jethro is happy to see me, but still tense.

Then I hear it… a low, deep, rumbling like a fierce battle of kettledrums building to a crescendo. Thunder rolls and booms through the dark morning sky. Following the thunder is the sound of a hard rain exploding through the woods behind me. I turn and can feel, more than see, the wall of water coming towards us. Awareness hits and almost simultaneously, dozens hooves, paws and a pair of boots run for cover in the small barn.

Rain pounds on the metal roof, lightening flashes across the sky and thunder continues to roar. Jethro, our brave defender, our proven protector and faithful guardian – is trying to fit his huge hairy body under the goat bench. Only his head fits. The rest of him sticks out into the sleeping area.

I stroked Jethro’s soft back with one hand and Luna’s sweet chin with the other. We stayed together through the storm. 

Jethro is afraid of storms. Our faithful leader has a fear. We have so many expectations of our leaders, pastors and teachers. People in authority over us have the great responsibility of guiding us with wit, wisdom and by example. They live with everyone watching and expecting super-human abilities.

While they may be “super”, they are not superheros with superpowers. They are most certainly flawed human beings just like us. Our pastors struggle with some of the same fears and insecurities that we do. 

Let’s find time to pray for our pastors and leaders today.  Let’s ask God to continue to encourage and equip them for the important work to which they are called.  A hand lifted in praise, a knee bent in prayer can be the gentle encouragement that gets a pastor through a storm. I want to be that encouragement today.

“But now, this is what the Lord says… ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” Isaiah 43:1-2

“But encourage one another daily, as long as is is called, Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3:13



Heavenly Hedges

Rosie and her chicks share a large, secure enclosure near the house. They have room to run and play and fly. They have their own house, food, water and shade inside the fenced pen. Nothing can get in – or out of the pen (except me, because I can work the latches and door).

When the dogs are out in yard and wander near the pen, Rosie clucks and calls her chicks to higher ground. They follow Rosie to a roosting spot at the top of their house. Like feathered watchmen on the rooftop, they don’t rest until the dogs are gone.

The dogs wouldn’t really bother the birds.The barn cats however, are another story. This morning, Woody was perched on top of the coop, licking his paws and watching the chicks with interest. Rosie wasn’t concerned – but she should have been. Woody, our best hunter, would eat all three of the chicks if he was able to get into the pen (but he can’t, so don’t worry).

I waved Woody off the pen and thought of the “hedge of protection” God provides around us (Job 1:10). In the Old Testament times, shepherds planted dense, spiny, bushes rather than erecting fences or walls to protect their livestock. The thorny hedges deterred wolves and lions from approaching the sheep and goats. The hedges also kept the sheep from wandering off, usually (there is always that one…).

The hedge is a barrier between us and the “danger” (on both sides). When we pray and ask God to provide a “hedge of protection”, we are asking Him to keep the threat out AND our hearts close to His (keeping us in). Here is the trouble, sometimes, we don’t recognize the things that threaten our relationship or our intimacy with God. Rosie was alert to the dogs, but not to the cat – she did not acknowledge the cat as a threat.

Is there something in or around your hedge that needs your attention today? Is something keeping you at a distance from God. Ask Him to point out the threat/danger that you don’t see…and for the confidence to deal with it. (Psalm 91)

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one…May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” 2 Thess. 3:3 &5